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Evaluation Reports

Second Round

The Memorandum of Understanding of MENAFATF prescribes that the Plenary approves an-going program of mutual evaluations prepared by the secretariat, with the participation of all members in the implementation.

The MENAFATF shall carry out the second round of the Mutual Evaluation of its members’ compliance with the Forty Recommendations on Combating Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism and proliferation issued in 2012 and by using the 2013 AML/CFT Methodology for assessing technical compliance with FATF recommendations and the effectiveness of AML/CFT systems. The objective of Mutual Evaluations is to assess a country’s AML/CFT regime and its effectiveness for each country apart.

The scope of the evaluations will involve two inter-related components: technical compliance and effectiveness. The technical compliance component will assess whether the necessary laws, regulations or other related AML/CFT measures are in force and effect, and whether the supporting AML/CFT institutional framework is in place. While the effectiveness component will assess whether the AML/CFT systems are working, and the extent to which the country being assessed has achieved the defined set of outcomes.

Mutual Evaluation Report of the Republic of Tunisia (French)

22 Aug 2016


Il est à noter qu’en date du 07/07/2017, la Tunisie a présenté une demande pour réévaluer les 17 recommandations suivantes1, 2, 6, 10, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 24, 25, 26, 31, 34, 36, en plus des recommandations 5 et 8 qui ont été, également, réévaluées pour se conformer aux nouveaux amendements adoptés par le GAFI après l’adoption du rapport d’évaluation mutuelle en Avril 2016. Suite à cette demande, la pleniere, tenue en décembre 2017, a adopté le deuxième rapport de suivi renforcé pour tenir compte des progrès réalisés par la Tunisie. Pour plus d’information sur les résultats de la réévaluation, veuillez consulter le rapport de suivi renforcé susmentionné en cliquant sur le lien suivant : 2nd enhanced FUR


Mutual Evaluation Report of the Republic of Tunisia, May 2016

16 Jun 2016


It should be noted that as of 07/07/2017, Tunisia has submitted a re-rating request for the following 17 recommendations1, 2, 6, 10, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 24, 25, 26, 31, 34, 36, in addition to recommendations 5 and 8 which have also been re-rated to comply with the new amendments adopted by the FATF following the adoption of the Mutual Evaluation Report in April 2016. Following this request, the plenary, held in December 2017, adopted the second enhanced follow up report to take account of the progress made by Tunisia. For more information on the results of the re-rating, please check the 2nd enhanced follow up report mentioned above by clicking on this link:: 2nd enhanced FUR

