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Workshop on Designated Non-Financial Businesses and Professions & Politically Exposed Persons, Algiers, 18-20 February 2008
Published Date
10 Mar 2008

In cooperation with the Conseil de la Cellule de Traitment du Reseignment Financier, Algeria, the MENAFATF organized a workshop on Designated non-Financial Businesses and Professions (DNFBPs) and Politically Exposed Persons (PEPs) in Algiers, capital of the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria, during the period 18-20 February 2008.

The workshop aimed at identifying the best practices concerning the two subjects of the workshop through exploring the experiences of member countries and observer countries and organizations and benefiting from discussions amongst participating experts. The workshop discussed the DNFBPs and PEPs committees` findings resulting from the analysis of member countries positions on the respective subjects. Such positions were established based on the information gathered through questionnaires, adopted mutual evaluation reports on member countries. The workshop also discussed some important issues related to the two topics through presentations made by participating experts.

The results will be reflected on the guidance papers that will be prepared by the two ad hoc committees on DNFBPs and PEPs. The said guidance papers are to be presented to the seventh Plenary meeting for discussion in order to enhance members compliance with the relevant FATF Recommendations.